There are a few messages that are left unused: However, in the European version, none of these can be accessed with the exception of Trophy IDs 292 to 299 (which is exclusive to it). These can all be accessed (except the last two) via the debug menu under MODE TEAM TEST > KIM > GOHUBI ID or GOHUBI FIGURE. This attack is incomplete, as Crazy Hand has no hitboxes for the attack. This would have been a grab move, as the normal grab subactions are named "Tsukamu", "Nigiru", "Shippai", and "Cancel". Unlike the other team attacks, there are three other subactions associated with it, "Tagnigiru", "Tagshippai", and "Tagcancel". However, this will cause the hands to be stuck forever, as inputting D-Pad Up + Y as Master Hand will do nothing. It would have been activated by inputting D-Pad Left + Y while playing as Crazy Hand.

Master Hand and Crazy Hand were intended to have a fourth team attack, titled "Tagtsukamu" in their animation data.
#Super smash bros melee rom version differences series
Intriguingly, because of this change, Toad is the only counter special move in the series to not be mapped to the Down-B command, although it appears it was originally planned to be. While Peach has no unused animations of her own, the filenames for her special moves appear to suggest that the commands for Vegetable and Toad were swapped around in development - the animation for Peach unearthing a Turnip from the ground is titled "SpecialN" (universally used for neutral B special moves), whereas animations corresponding to Toad (including Kirby copying the move) include "SpecialLw" as part of their filenames. The actions depicted pertain to being temporarily stunned and blinded by an unknown item, while reaching out as if to grab onto something. Brawl as idling victory poses and as taunts.Ī unique animation which is included in every characters animation bank, despite not being used by any of them. Some of the "Selected" and "SelectedWait" animations were later reused in Super Smash Bros. The animations for various characters are noticeably unfinished - characters such as Marth and Young Link have their objects clip through their own models, while Ganondorf and Falco only have one static frame of animation. As Melee utilizes splash art on the character select screen as opposed to the playable character models, there are no other situations these animations could appropriately be used in, ultimately rendering them unused. The filenames appear to suggest that these animations were intended to play upon selecting a character, in a manner akin to the original Super Smash Bros. Many of the "Selected" animations bear a close resemblance to victory poses used in-game, although the "SelectedWait" animations all appear to be totally unused. Two unused animations exist for every playable character, titled "Selected" and "SelectedWait". Note that most, if not all the unused stages use the song currently playing instead of their own song(s), of course because there was no music for these stages yet. There are six "unused" entries in the Debug Menu's level select for Versus Mode, but only two work without external codes. Interestingly, the Tamagon Trophy still appears in this mode even on a North American disc. This can also be accessed on DBLevel 3 or 4 by holding Z while selecting the Collection on the menu. To change the coordinates faster, holding A while moving the Control Stick left and right changes the 2D trophy's X coordinate, and moving the Control Stick up and down changes the 2D trophy's Z coordinate.Pressing D-Pad in directions Up and Down changes the 2D trophy's X coordinate, and Left and Right for the 2D trohpy's Z coordinate.Pressing X zooms out and pressing Y zooms in.The Control Stick pans the camera around.
Hold C-Stick Up or Down to orbit the camera up or down.The trophy collection view, and its controls are the same as usual, but it has additional debug coordinates to the trophy placement, and allows orbiting. Melee is the hugely popular GameCube sequel to the Nintendo 64 game Super Smash Bros., featuring new characters, new stages, improved gameplay mechanics, and greatly enhanced graphics and sound. This game has unused playable characters. Also known as: Dairantou Smash Brothers DX (JP)